Thursday, 9 June 2016

My last warhammer 8th edition army list.

This was the last list that I played using 8th edition warhammer, I have dedided to put it up for future reference when I start playing Ninth Age and possible Kings of War as well.

Vampire Lord- W'Sorchai
Lv4 - lore of vampires
Talisman of preservation, Black periapt
Great weapon, Heavy Armour
Quickblood, Flying horror, Aura of Dark Majesty

1 Necro - lv 1 death
Cursed book

-lv2 vamps
heavy, nightmare, lance, shield,
dragon helm, book of arkhan, Seed of rebirth, potion of full hardiness

1 Tomb Banshee

36 skeletons- fc -banner of swiftness

20 Zombies- banner, muso

2 x 5 dire wolves

10 dire wolves inc doom wolf

16 ghouls

2 x 1 spirit host

2 Fellbats

10 Black knights
-barding, lances
fc- banner of barrows

Mortis Engine

4 blood knights- standard -gleaming pennant


Sunday, 5 June 2016

Zombie unit fillers to make my army pop, and wheez and shamble.

With my renewed interest in gaming and the likelihood of 9th Age being my go to game, I have decided to reinvent what is left of my Warhammer 6th edition  Vampire counts and re-purpose it for use in the Ninth Age.

In an effort to provide some dramatic eye candy for my army, I want to make and add unit fillers for my zombie regiments I am planning on three fillers, and then add these types of fillers to the rest of my army for cohesion and theme.

Ideas at this stage include
  • Tomb stones and weeds, trees stuff, fences and zombies.
  • Make zombies out of vermin swarm, humans and dwarfs.
  • Fighting vermin in my units may add to the overall feel in my army.
  • Fillers with vermin and undead with a fair amount of positional fun.

That is about all for now.



Whats new at the Zoo

Well it has been a while since I posted here, so what is new?

Well I have started attending uni and so no longer work. woot poor ftw.

After finishing my first semester I am starting to think about what if anything I will be playing with my soon to be free time, once house work, gardening and parenting allows it of course.

An low 9th Age is released and already i am more interested in it, then any other game in the last year since the demise of Warhammer fantasy.

So i am currently looking at making an Undead lists, Vamps probably. stay tuned.