Tuesday, 14 July 2015

My Blog's Future content.

I am not sure what the community will do in regards to Warhammer 8th edition and Age of Sigmar, but for my part I plan on continue working on my 8th edition Vampire counts and Wood elves army's both the figures and the fluff, i have around 30 ish draft posts that i have been working on and i still intend to finish them off.

Warhamer Fantasy has been part of my gaming life for 25 years and I am not willing to give it up yet, whilst Age of Sigmar could be a good beer and chips game, I prefer my fantasy armies to have big formed up battalions and Magic, if in the future a different game peaks my interest it may well  fill the void of Warhammer Fantasy, only time will tell of course.

So hopefully i will have content of interest in the coming months, stay tuned.


Sunday, 5 July 2015

Added a few new Pages

I have been meaning to add a few pages to my blog for a couple of months nowm but i just kept putting it off for one reason or another, but with the Destruction of 8th edition warhammer , and the arrival of Age of Sigmar i decided that i should fly my nerd colours at last and add the pages for my Wood elves, Vampire and Dwarf armies to show that I am not pulling the pin on the Old world even if GW has.

The Old world has been a part of my life longer then my Wife and it will continue to be part of it for many years to come.

I have also decided to give Age of Sigmar a page, the reasons i will discuss in another post, but for now let me just say.

Victory lies with the Big Battalions.
