Sunday, 28 December 2014

2015 -Cancon list

Well Christmas has come and gone for yet another year, and as i sit and lament about the empty trifle bowl and how it never seems to last past boxing day, I though that whilst my lad was having his afternoon nap I may as well post my army that i will be taking for Cancon, I will be honest here,


Without further ado coming in at 14.7 on the Swedish comp score is my 2400 points of Weaver Corinath's host from the Ashen Halls.

Lord 255pts - 40sc
Spellweaver- Corinath
Lv4- Lore of Life
bow, scroll of shielding, opal amulet                                    

Hero's 487pts - 34SC
Shadowdancer -Bedwyr the swift
Ironcurse icon 
Obsidian Trinket                                                                    

Captain BSB- Aneurin
Light, bow,spear
Enchanted shield,dragon bane gem,Hail of Doom                        

Spellsinger – Ferastella
Lv1- Lore of beasts- bow
dispel scroll, ruby ring of ruin                                                        

Branch wraith – Dura                                                                          

Core:- 600points -20sc
5 Glade riders
inc muso-                                                                                             

12 Glade guard, muso- singer goes here
Trueflight arrows                                                                                    

18 Glade guard, muso, standard- lichebone pennant

Special 628pts - 29sc
5 wildriders

5 wildriders

28 Wild wood rangers
-Light armour, great weapons,
Full command - flaming banner                                                       

Rare 445pts -30sc
6 Waywatchers                                                      
1 Eagle                                                                
1 Eagle                                                                    

So here is my take on a combat based wood elves, My lack of anti armor except for my 6 way watchers will  make my army very match up dependent.        

Monday, 8 December 2014

Western Clash- The results

On the weekend just gone I attended the 13th Western Clash in Melton hosted by D6gaming.

My objectives for this were as follows
Top 10 placement which out of 16 attendees should work out for me.
Win 1 game
30 bp's overall.

This event was billed as a practice event in the lead up to Cancon.( Which as you should be aware is the next major tournament i will be attending)

The guys at D6gaming did a great job of running the event, and they have a good setup as well.

Anyway on to my match ups but I will not post my wood elves list or the lists or names of my opponents as i did not seek permission, and to be honest i can not really remember them at all.

So without any delay

Game 1. v's Bretts
A nice double lord Bretts list.
I lost this game 13-7, I struggled to kill his knight units but handled the chaff okay.

  • Bret lances hit hard.
  • Beast magic can make units beasts.

Not bad for a first round loss, so i was in good spirits going into game 2. and only 3 bp of my goal.

Game 2. v's Wood elves
A mirror match  against a very interesting Treespirit List let by an Ancient

This game i won 17-3, it is always fun to see what other gamers think of the same race as yourself.

  • Dwellers can be beastly as can +4 Toughness on a unit.
  • I need to remember my Army special rules- arrow of kurnos i am looking at you

Game 3. Dark Elves- Hellbron list
Going into the last round i was fairly apprehensive as Hellbron is a beast and can put out insane damage, i had a lot of luck in this game and my oponnent had some rolls not go his way.

  • Dark elf dimensional cascade 1st turn gave me magical dominance.
  • A lucky spell took care of Hellbron and so i was up 700 points before the end of turn 1.
  • This guy was a pleasure to play against and took all the upsets in his stride.

In the end I won the final battle 16-4

The final wash up I placed third, behind a Vampire list and a Mono khorne daemon list.

So how did my list go in the end, it still requires tweaking and changes, but i met my goals for the event.
Top 3 placement
won 2 games

Anyway please excuse the lack of detail and pictures, but once my list is submitted in Jan I will provide unending details, that will bore you, and of course some not so pretty pictures.
