Sunday, 31 August 2014

My Third completed Army

The title states it all this is about my third completed army.
A while ago I wrote a post about starting a third army for Warhammer that had artillery, that post can be found  Rambling along, Anyway I was informed yesterday that my wife has taken it upon herself to choose said army, and for a fathers day present, I will have a box set of my new army that I must collect, paint and play with the goal of around 3000 points and importantly I must complete this army, as I guess like most other gamer's I have started, but lost interest and not completed many armies over the years.

Stay tuned on Sunday I and then you all will find out what it is .


Friday, 22 August 2014

Duelling gamers: Winged reinforcements have arrived or the Eagles are coming

This week has witnessed an event that was long in coming, the first great eagle is finally completed.
The Eagle shared the same problem as my spell singer, which was a major delay caused by the colour scheme I was unhappy with, But thankfully that is now resolved. I treated the great eagle as two different figures to be painted, the first was the base with an added Citadel tree from the woods kit, this provided the effect of the eagle swooping and diving through the forest canopy after her prey, which with this pose was something that i struggled with in the past weeks to provide that feel to the model.

The other is the eagle herself, and what a beauty she is.

Duelling Update
Still to Assembled.
1 Citadel Wood

Still to paint 

Painting in Progress
1 giant eagle
5 wild riders

Completed this Month
5 glade guard
1 Spellsinger on foot
1 giant eagle
My Tree base for my eagle, with green stuffed roots

Another view

Back view

Side View
And with herself front view looking ready to go.

Side View

back View

Other side view

Completed in past Months
12 Dryads
Dryad unit filler
20 Glade Guard
6 Glade Riders
3 Treekin

So with one week to go it is now full throttle forward on the wildriders and hopefully finish them on time.

Anyway I have rambled enough catch you all next time.
Cheers Lupus.Cheers Lupus.

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Duelling Gamers: The joys of painting a character model.

Week two is now complete and so finally is my Spellsinger, The spellsinger has been a WIP for the better part of 6 weeks now, one figure should not have consumed so much of my time, but I have found it especially hard to get the colors right on her and I have learned the lesson in the past not to rush a scheme if I am not happy with it, but as of this moment I am happy with the final result so without further delay I present my magical buff machine.(Lore as yet undecided, name as yet undecided, fluff as yet undecided. Small steps small steps...)

Duelling Update
Still to Assembled.
1 Citadel Wood

Still to paint 
5 wild riders

Painting in Progress
2 giant eagles

Completed this Month
5 glade guard
1 Spellsinger on foot pictures are again not the best.
Front view

Side View

Back view with some nice clarity of the vines and leaves

Other side view

The best picture I could manage of her spites.
Completed in past Months
12 Dryads
Dryad unit filler
20 Glade Guard
6 Glade Riders
3 Treekin

My revised  plan for the next week is to complete at least one eagle and to make a start on the wildriders and elven steeds.

Anyway I have rambled enough catch you all next time.
Cheers Lupus.

Nagash Sighted- OMG

Hi All,

Just a quick note for those unaware, this guy just went on my to buy list.So just a quick update, i may never field him, but he is going in my collection, that is for damn sure.

Borrowed from Kiwihammer .

Borrowed from Carpe Noctem, these guys rock.

Monday, 11 August 2014

Duelling Gamers: 5 more Glade Guard complete.

The first week of August has flown by, and thankfully target 1 for August has been achieved, my Virus has gone bye bye, but even with that occurring I have not managed to get all of my first week targets completed.
But I will settle for the 5 additional glade guard, it is something at least and i hope it will start the creative juices flowing.

Anyway here we go the month to date.

Duelling Update
Still to Assembled.
1 Citadel Wood

Still to paint 
5 wild riders

Painting in Progress
2 giant eagles
1 Spellsinger on foot

Completed this Month
5 glade guard, including a standard bearer and musician.
Front view

Side view

Back view

other side view

Close up of the standard with the purple spites

Best picture i could get of the other side of the standard.

The standard bearer is the first one i have completely painted, usually i just did the banner poles for my Vamps and Dawi Zharr and left them at that.

Completed in past Months
12 Dryads
Dryad unit filler
20 Glade Guard
6 Glade Riders
3 Treekin

With the this week complete my target for next week is the completion of 1 Giant eagle and the Spell singer, and if i can manage it, to start on the wildriders.

Fingers crossed, anyway I have rambled enough catch you all next time.
Cheers Lupus.

Friday, 1 August 2014

Duelling Gamers: August the call of Kurnous, of Wild hunts and woods

Well August is here and so is the Flu,I hope that the Flu will go soon, anyway this is my plan for the month,and with a sprinkle of luck it should pan out.
Step one: Get rid of the Flu,
Step two: Paint the balance of July and what I plan for August,
Step three: Finish August up to date,so that I can have a good crack at September.

Anyway here we go.

With my $100 retail plus the $10.25 savings from last month , I have $110.25, with this  I purchased the following
  1.  5 Glade Guard which I received in May as part of a birthday present for $0.00, saving $17.18 of real money but counting as 17.18 towards the challenge.Birthday present are a great way to boost an army with out costing a lot of money, and friends and family may not always be giving you exactly what you are after at the time, but everything has a use and I am always happy to get these types of gifts.
  2. 5 Metal Wild riders for $0.00 traded from Wargamerau for some Lizardmen I was not using, saving $45.00 of real money but counting as 45.00 towards the challenge.( Although luckily for me the new plastic kit is cheaper than 5 metal wild riders used to be which would have been a whole month of painting on just 5 models for $96.00. Sometimes and I say this rarely GW do warrant praise)
  3. A Citadel Wood for $36.80 purchased from my LGS, but counts as $46.00 retail for the Challenge saving $9.20 of real dollars. The wood elves are a funny army, because they are allowed to place an extra wood for no points or D3+1 woods if you buy the acorn of ages for 100pts. The last army book they were allowed to place an extra 6" wood before deployment, in the current army book this has been improved in size to a Citadel Wood to be place before deployment. ( I am aware of the marketing thoughts that were probably behind this and to be honest I still think it is a great move.) I had though of just using an outline of the base of the wood, which you get get off the net( probably will if i decided to make an extra three down the track if/when i run an acorn of the ages), but instead decided to treat myself to the actual one from GW, it was going to count for retail value anyway and to be honest its is a nice looking kit with lots of extras that i intend to use on other models.
So after this months spend i have left $2.07 towards the final month of September.
With five months of purchases for the Wood elves my spending looks like this.
Actual money Spent $ 184.42
Actual money Saved $ 413.51
Games workshop retail equivalent $597.93

Duelling Update
Still to Assembled.
5 glade guard
5 wild riders
1 Citadel Wood

Good ole metal Wild Riders awaiting their time in the sun.
Citadel Wood in crisp packaging.

Still to paint 

Painting in Progress
2 giant eagles
1 Spellsinger on foot

Completed this Month

Completed in past Months
12 Dryads
Dryad unit filler
20 Glade Guard
6 Glade Riders
3 Treekin

Anyway I have rambled enough catch you all next time.
Cheers Lupus.