Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Duelling Gamers : Month Complete not yet caught up, but getting closer to being there.

Well that was an in tents month (Pardon the bad joke its my wife's humor rubbing off on me).
Since my last update my productivity has ground to a screaming halt, the Flu has once again decided to visit us here, and it has hit us all hard, damn hard 20 tonne of cattle truck hard. I have not managed to progress any further on my army since the 27th, but I suppose that is all part of the experience.
Anyway this means that whilst I am still behind in my painting targets, it is further advanced than it was this time last month, but not as far as i had hoped it to be, but what if's and could be's will drive people insane so with that note I declare July as complete as it will be.

Duelling Update
Still to Assembled.

Still to paint 

Painting in Progress
2 Giant Eagles
1 Spellsinger on foot

Completed this Month
19 Glade Guard

Completed in past Months
12 Dryads
Dryad unit filler
1 Glade Guard
6 Glade Riders
3 Treekin


Sunday, 27 July 2014

Duelling gamers: A July work in progress

Woot third week of July has started well, my spellsinger and two eagles are assembled and in the case of the eagles green stuffed, which means I am only two weeks behind now.
The Spellsinger has had minor conversion work in the form of hand swaps to make her pose a tad more unique as this model is everywhere, also to equip her with a bow so she will be wysiwyg,  but my skills are rusty so I decided to start out gently, with adding a bow and a sword from the glade rider sprues.

Without further delays, with 4 days left of the month here is my current status.

Duelling Update
Still to Assembled.

Still to paint 
2 giant eagles

Eagle one, top view with some of my green stuff showing

Eagle two looking unhappy that she is not yet painted.

Spellsinger base coated ready to go.

Painting in Progress
1 Spellsinger on foot

Completed this Month
19 Glade Guard

Completed in past Months
12 Dryads
Dryad unit filler
1 Glade Guard
6 Glade Riders
3 Treekin

Duelling Gamers:Better pictures of my Glade Guard

Not much to say, the camera was found.
So as promised more Glade guard pictures

My two units of ten.

1st unit Front

1st unit left side

1st unit rear

1st unit right side

2nd unit Front

2nd unit left side, using one of my vamps movement tray for the time being, to see how the brown base works with my Glade Guard.

2nd unit Rear View

2nd Unit right view
Originally I had intended to run these Glade guard as a single unit, but upon further consideration I think 2 units of 10 will work better for the army.

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Duelling gamers: Glade guard finished.

Well it has taken some time, but I have finished my remaining glade guard from June, so with less than two weeks to go, work will start on my July targets.

Sadly the pictures really do not do them justice, as my little guy has decided to hide my camera, so these are from my phone camera, will update them when I get a chance.

Duelling Update
Still to Assembled.
2 Giant Eagles

Still to paint 
1 Spellsinger on foot

Painting in Progress

Completed this Month
19 Glade Guard
Front view of 10 Glade guard with Muso

Side View of 10 glade guard.

I will update with more pictures once I find my camera, as the rest were blurry as sin.

Completed in past Months
12 Dryads
Dryad unit filler
1 Glade Guard
6 Glade Riders
3 Treekin

Friday, 18 July 2014

The road to Axemaster- May it be gentle and kind.

It has been many years since I last attended a tournament, the last one I played at was Axemaster in 2003 or 2004 anyway I think it was, details are sketchy for one as old as I, why is this important you must be asking yourself what bearing does this have?

The Breathless Host and I shall be attending Axemaster this year.
Cue cheers from my wife and groans from my painting desk, I intend to take my Wood Elves and I may have convinced a mate to take his Dark Elves( By convince I mean that I mentioned to him that I was going and he is jumping on board supposedly).

So what does this all mean, well it means that the painting schedule for Duelling Gamers is about to be supplemented by another 500 points of Wood Elves and that my completion date has moved closerby a little more than a week, this is excellent as I have been slack of late with my painting and as I have paid for my spot I am committed and properly enticed to complete my army by the 19th of September when I should be ready to go, and I may even have time to play a practice game or two in theory.

The only real question that is left is what tasty treat shall I make the TO to bribe an extra couple of bonus points out of him.

Anyway enough rambling I have painting to do.


Saturday, 5 July 2014

Duelling gamers : Feeling a little rare but hang onto your mangle wurzels month four is here.

Welcome back to another installment of Wood elves whimsy, well as we enter the forth month of the Duel, I find that I am behind in my painting with still needing to complete 19 Glade Guard from June it is a shame but that is life for you, this will put the pressure on now with only another two months to go after this one my plan for July is thus.

With my $100 retail plus the $20.25 savings from last month this gives a budget of  $120.25 for July, I used this to purchased the following
  1. 2 Game zone Great Eagles  for $0.00 traded from Wargamerau for some Lizardmen I was not using, saving $88.00 of real money but counting as 88.00 towards the challenge.
  2. Spellsinger on foot for $0.00 traded from Wargamerau for again some Lizardmen I was not using, saving $22.00 of real money but counting as 22.00 towards the challenge.
So $10.25 left for August.

So after four months of purchases for the Wood elves my spending looks like this.
Actual money Spent $ 147.62
Actual money Saved $ 342.13
Games workshop retail equivalent $489.75

Including finishing the leftovers from June, this makes for an intensive month of painting with 5 days already gone, only time will tell  if I can catch up and get my painting back on track of course only having three figures in July does help, but what figures they are.
With that in mind July looks like this.

Duelling Update
Still to Assembled.
1 Spellsinger on foot
2 Giant Eagles

Still to paint 
As above

Painting in Progress
19 Glade Guard , no pictures of the WIP after the wow factor.

Completed this Month

Completed in past Months
12 Dryads
Dryad unit filler
1 Glade Guard
6 Glade Riders
3 Treekin

Dueling Gamers : Mission failed June goals not complete.

Well that is June over, this month my progress has been slow and I have failed to meet my expected goal, I am however happy with the quality of painting that I have managed, it should not be long before the stragglers from June are complete, my glade guard are all that remains with most almost complete, the delay in posting this update has occured in no small part to my wife being away all week for work and with her my camera, so I was waiting for pictures before posting.

Without further ado, here we go.

Duelling Update
Still to Assembled.

Still to paint 

Painting in Progress
19 Glade guard

Completed this Month
1 Glade guard
6 Elven Steed
6 Glade riders
Rear view of my Glade riders 

Right side of the Glade riders

Front View of my Glade riders.

Right view of my glade rider musician, i am really happy with how the horn turned out.

Front off center view of musician

Left View of the musician, with the glowing weapon runes

Rear View of Muscian.

Completed in past Months
12 Dryad +Dryad Unit filler
3 Treekin

Anyway I have rambled enough catch you all next time.
Cheers Lupus.