Well that was an in tents month (Pardon the bad joke its my wife's humor rubbing off on me).
Since my last update my productivity has ground to a screaming halt, the Flu has once again decided to visit us here, and it has hit us all hard, damn hard 20 tonne of cattle truck hard. I have not managed to progress any further on my army since the 27th, but I suppose that is all part of the experience.
Anyway this means that whilst I am still behind in my painting targets, it is further advanced than it was this time last month, but not as far as i had hoped it to be, but what if's and could be's will drive people insane so with that note I declare July as complete as it will be.
Duelling Update
Still to Assembled.
Still to paint
Painting in Progress
2 Giant Eagles
1 Spellsinger on footCompleted this Month
19 Glade Guard
Completed in past Months
12 Dryads
Dryad unit filler
1 Glade Guard
6 Glade Riders
3 Treekin