Monday, 16 June 2014

Dueling Gamers: Elven Steed test completed

While sitting down thinking about this update I realized that it has been over 10 years since I last painted a horse of any description, this was in no small part to my wowcrack addiction, but the finished test scheme is something that I am excited about in my humble opinion, my mate Rupe a fellow participant of this insanity has a saying, a mantra really and it goes a little something like this 'so long as it looks good to you that is all that matters', I find that most of the time we are our own worst critics which is why I find that mantra useful, anyway on with the update.

Duelling Update
Still to Assembled.
6 Glade riders
19 glade guard

Still to paint 

Painting in Progress
5 Elven Steed

Completed this Month
Gladeguard color test
1 Elven steed color test
Right side view of Elven steed.

Front view of Elven steed

Left view of Elven steed

Completed in past Months
12 Dryad +Dryad Unit filler
3 Treekin

Anyway I have rambled enough catch you all next time.
Cheers Lupus.

Friday, 6 June 2014

Duelling gamers: Glade guard test model complete.

With the first week of June almost over my progress has been what can only be called slow, I have only managed to finish my glade guard test figure to a point that I am happy with how the colours look.
My great plans from last month worked on paper but not in reality, I have found that there is no point rushing into a paint scheme if you are not happy with it, I learnt that hard lesson with my Dawi Zharr, but I am happy with how the test model has turned out so the painting production line can start churning out the other 19, and while that happens I will start working on my elven steed test colour. I will not have time to paint anymore this week as I am off to the mother in laws, for farm and pony shenanigans.

Duelling Update
Still to Assembled.
6 Glade riders
19 glade guard

Still to paint 
5 Elven Steed

Painting in Progress
1 Elven steed

Completed this Month
Gladeguard color test
Right side

Back, quiver is the color of the bow, but the photo has not really captured it.

Left side , some detail of the bow has been picked up in the picture.

Front view, again not the best picture, but you get the drift.

Completed in past Months
12 Dryad +Dryad Unit filler
3 Treekin

Anyway I have rambled enough catch you all next time.
Cheers Lupus.

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Duelling Gamers: June the Month of Core.

This month we finally see the elves make an appearance, and what a way to make an entrance.

With my $100 retail plus the $30.25 savings from last month this gives a budget of  $130.25 for June, I purchased the following
  1. 20 Glade guard for $45.35 from Wargamerau saving $23.40 of real money but counting as $68.75 towards the challenge.
  2. 6 Glade riders for $11.55  from Ebay , saving $29.70 of real money but counting as $41.25 towards the challenge.
To be honest sometimes the best thing about buying/trading second hand is that you get what you want and only what you want, as is the case with the Glade riders and Glade guard.
I was able to obtain 6 riders and 20 guard  whereas if I had purchased them new it would have been in either multiples of 8 or 16 depending on the GW box.

So after my three months of purchases for the Wood elves my breakdown of spending looks like this.
Games workshop retail equivalent $ 379.75
Actual money Spent $ 147.62
Actual money Saved $ 232.13
So at this stage I have been able to purchased all my figs for an average of 39% of RRP.

So  with all the accounting complete for the month I have $20.25 left for July, now it is on with the hobby breakdown, so for June I have the following for my starting point.

Duelling Update
Still to Assembled.
20 Glade Guard
6 Glade Riders
6 Elven Steeds
Glade riders awaiting the attempt to go Boo.

The Glade guard still asleep on their sprue

Another shot of the Glade guard sprue to show the depth of their character. (spell singer doing a photo bomb)

Painting in Progress

Completed this Month

Completed in past Months
12 Dryads
Dryad unit filler
3 Treekin

That is it for me time to work on my three regiments so my core requirement is satisfied, not a huge undertaking, but my biggest model count in a month so far.