While sitting down thinking about this update I realized that it has been over 10 years since I last painted a horse of any description, this was in no small part to my wowcrack addiction, but the finished test scheme is something that I am excited about in my humble opinion, my mate Rupe a fellow participant of this insanity has a saying, a mantra really and it goes a little something like this 'so long as it looks good to you that is all that matters', I find that most of the time we are our own worst critics which is why I find that mantra useful, anyway on with the update.
Still to Assembled.
6 Glade riders
19 glade guard
Still to paint
Painting in Progress
5 Elven Steed
Completed this Month
Gladeguard color test
1 Elven steed color test
Right side view of Elven steed. |
Front view of Elven steed |
Left view of Elven steed |
Completed in past Months
12 Dryad +Dryad Unit filler
3 Treekin
Anyway I have rambled enough catch you all next time.
Cheers Lupus.