Thursday, 22 May 2014

My Third Warhammer Army : Ramblings of an addict

I am an addict and Warhammer is my drug of choice, one of the reasons that I want a third painted army is for something that my existing armies do not have, or can not do.

My existing armies are

  • Vampires are a CC army that I play as an attrition style grind you down list, raise the dead back up, grind you back down.
  • Wood elves are my first love and I am painting these for Duelling gamers.

I want artillery, I feel the urge for the big guns that never tire, the death from afar, this singular option or lack of options is why I had a Chaos Dwarf army, but I do not want another, so my options are limited down to these four sane chaoices and the wildcard entry.

  1. Dwarfs- Never played them, never collected them, love the fluff , love the diverse artillery options though, But I love magic more, for me Magic defines the fantasy game, would be interesting to run a magic less army.
  2. The Empire- Wissenland, sweet wissenland how I love you, with the option of as much black powder as the dwarfs and the different magic lores and diversity of the army list allowing any type of list it is a strong contender.
  3. Orcs and Goblins- I love the greenskins figs, but have trouble with the play style but I still dream about my pure common goblin/ forest goblin horde of 300+ figures with massed artillery to maybe one day win to be honest a no Orc or night goblin list has always interested me.
  4. Skaven- The rats of clan Ratbarstard what could be finer then a brown horde of death, the warpstone mutated monsters  and warpstone big guns, i mean they have a freaking lazer.
Of these four I have never attempted a dwarf army before, the closest I have come was my Chaos Dwarfs, they had everything, magic, artillery ,slave numbers  STOP WALK AWAY FROM THE CHAOS DWARFS.
I have been down that road before I am not about to start that insanity again especially at Forge world prices, but I would be lying if I didn't miss my Chaos Dwarfs.

Ahem, so the final contenders are Dwarfs, The Empire, Skaven and Orcs and Goblins. Except for the Dwarfs I have started before and all of which I have lost interest in them.
Now onto the wildcard entry, a Bretonnian army , they are limited at the moment with only having the option for a trebuchet as the big um 'sling', an outdated army list that may or may not be replaced depending on the rumours, but still i have always wanted to paint an army of noble knights and lowly lowly peasants.

 So anyway that is my issue and my question to you all which army should I start next?

In the meantime I have my vampires to work on and of course finish off my Duelling gamers wood elves. So in three months I will be looking to start my next project, can I be that sane, ahem insane?

What do you all think, because i cannot decide, I will need help choosing.


Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Duelling Gamers: May target completed.

Well I have finished my target for May which to be honest a single Treeman and a three base unit filler for my Dryads was not an overly taxing target to have, but of course that was all part of my cunning plan. Now that means I have the rest of the month to work on my test color scheme for the Elves and their trusty Elven steeds that are coming in June, which I believe will hence forth be called 'THE MONTH OF CORE'.

Anyway onto the update, and pictures of course.
Duelling Update
Still to Assembled.

Still to paint 

Painting in Progress

Completed this Month
Side View

Back View

Other Side View

Front View

Dryad Unit Filler

Completed in past Months
12 Dryad 
3 Treekin

Here is my completed army to date.
Finished army to date, all the Forest spirits.

Aldertalon and his handmaiden

Anyway I have rambled enough catch you all next time.
Cheers Lupus.

Friday, 16 May 2014

Duelling gamers : Dryad unit filler complete, roll on my Treeman.

Well it has been a hectic week for us here but the good news is that my Dryad unit filler is complete, I am not entirely happy with the hair of my captured Dwarf slayer, but it has been over 10 years since painting my Chaos Dwarfs so I will forgive myself this once.
Work is progressing on the Treeman with his base coat finally completed, I had a few issues with the Treeman as I purchased him second hand and a few minor tweaks were needed so that it would assemble, and in the end I decided to make him a Tripod Treeman instead of the quad he was designed to be, I like the look of three legs better then the 4 legs of the original, and it makes him uniquely mine.

Duelling Update
Still to Assembled.

Still to paint 

Painting in Progress
Treeman basecoated and ready to roll, or stomp, only a front view of this guy, as I want to save most of the pictures until he is finished.

Undercoated Treeman.

Completed this Month
Dryad unit filler
Rear View

Side view

Other side view

Front View

Raised view of Dryad unit including unit filler

Front view of Unit and filler

Completed in past Months
12 Dryads 
3 Treekin

Anyway I have rambled enough catch you all next time.
Cheers Lupus.

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Duelling Gamers: Wood Elves the new list for the final goal.

With the release of the new army book, I have decided to revise the army list that will give my painting focus. The changes with how some units work and play (Dryads for one) has required a current list, the Old list was good for the last army book, but a new book means new toys, here is how my thoughts currently stand.

Spellweaver lv4 dark magic foot
maybe an acorn?
'Duer' the Branch wraith handmaiden to Aldertalon
-lore of life
Hero asb on foot and great weapon heavy armour(with built in ward save) and some other magic items and deployed in the wildwood rangers

Spellsinger lv2 on foot lore of metal/fire
dispel scroll maybe?

15 glade guard fc banner of flame . ( spell weaver here deploys in free forest)
inc poison arrows

5 glade riders  (Ambushers)

5 glade riders  (Ambushers)

Handmaidens of Aldertalon
15 Dryads

10 wild riders- fc shields

20 Wild wood rangers (asb here)

7 scouts-

Aldertalon guard
3 Treekin
'Aldertalon' Treeman
Giant Eagle

I have not included any points or magic items as yet because it is too early for me to decide which way to go, but this list will at least guide my painting deadlines and monthly targets and help finish a legal army in September.

Anyway that is all from me.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Duelling gamers: Dryad unit filler

Well the new army book has landed and I have spent the majority of this last week reading it cover to cover, my revised army list that I will be using for the Duel has a post of its own so I will not rehash it here, instead lets focus on what modeling I have managed this week.

As you can see, I have been fairly unproductive with the only figure being a three base unit filler for my dryads regiment to take the unit count to 15 models, once I play a few games with the army I will know if I should invest in more dryads or if the get shelved for a while.

I will need feedback from my fellow Dueler's however so that I know if the unit filler should cost GW prices of 3 dryads in which case it is $13.75 out of my remaining $44 .

I think the filler looks good, this is the first time that I have made a unit filler for any army, so I kept it very simple and tried not get carried away, it was cheap to make in real dollars all told about $0.72 cents this is what the bases themselves would cost if I purchased a GW square base set, as the bits and bases minus the dwarf all came with the Dryad sprue, and the dwarf came from BFSP sprues.

Front View

Side View

 Other side view

Duelling Update
Still to Assembled.

Still to paint 
Dryad unit filler

Painting in Progress

Completed this Month

Completed in past Months
12 Dryads 
3 Treekin

Anyway I have rambled enough catch you all next time.
Cheers Lupus.

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Duelling Gamers:Minor update - Reading the new Wood Elves book then maybe I will work on my Treeman.

As Greg over at the Hoodlinghole has commented (tongue in cheek of course), I am only painting my Treeman this month, I decided early in April that I would need the extra time in May to work out my test colors for the rest of my army not to mention revise my army goal due to the new list, so whilst the test models may not count towards my goal for this month, the planning work will certainly save me a lot of time over the coming months, and I would like to thank GW for making it all possible by keeping the new plastic Treeman kit at $96.00, so nothing really to report for this weekend except I have my new Army Book, and I am neglecting my wife, but not my son.

Duelling Update
Still to Assembled.

Still to paint 

Painting in Progress

Completed this Month

Completed in past Months
12 Dryad 
3 Treekin

Anyway I have rambled enough catch you all next time.
Cheers Lupus.

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Duelling Gamer's the second month of awesome, and oh a new Army Book this month let the Trees rejoice.

Here we go with the second month of my Autumn Wood Elves.
Some major changes to my plan has occurred, in no small part due to the release of the New Wood Elves Army Book, I am picking up my copy on Saturday and as such I have modified my original painting goals for this month, with my $100 retail for this month plus the $40 saved from last month my allowable spend $140  and with this I purchased the following
  1. What is now the previous edition Metal Treeman , which I have dubbed"Aldertalon" for $26.90 from Ebay saving $69.10 of real money but counting as $96.00 towards the challenge because luckily the new plastic kit is still priced at $96.00 Australian retail.

This now leaves $44 towards June where I will probably spend it all on some of the new Wood Elves units, I do not want to rush into any impulse buying (which if I am honest I am very very prone to do.), until I can get a copy of the new army book, did I mention it was this Saturday and contemplate how the new rules and units will affect the way I had planned to build my army.

In the meantime it means that the Treeman is a safe bet, as I can not honestly at the moment see a Wood Elves army without at least one Treeman in their list. I am also hoping that the Spellweaver on Unicorn is a more viable option in the new book, as I have an idea running around in my head of one with dark magic in a unit of Wildriders, and paint the unicorn in a very unfriendly manner .(if the rumors are true)

But back to this months target, now that means I will need to assemble and paint my metal Treeman, for a grand total of a whole one figure( I should be careful not to strain something with this months workload), I will no doubt  manage to do other Wood Elves related shenanigans but only the Treeman will count towards the Duel, unless of course I get inspired and spend some of the remaining $44 before June, which if I am honest is very likely to happen.

So after my first two months of purchases for the Wood elves looks like this.
Games workshop retail equivalent $256.00
Actual money Spent $90.00
Actual money Saved $ 166.00

Duelling Update
Still to Assemble

Still to paint 

Painting in Progress

Completed this Month

Completed in past Months
12 Dryads 
3 Treekin

Anyway I have rambled, I had better get on with the heavy work load for this month.
Cheers Lupus.