Army update: I am looking to prepare my
army for Convic in June/July 2014 so I must create it using the following
2400 pts
Swiss system for comp.
Lords 524
W’Sorchai the enslaver
Vampire Lord
Level 4 lore of undeath
Redfury, Summon creatures of the night, Quickblood
Book of arkhan, Talisman of preservation, Sword of Antiheros
Heavy shield
Hero 394
Wight king
Heavy, Greatweapon
Dragon Helm, Iron curse icon
Vampire (vamps)
(with ghouls)
Lv1 lore of undeath
Flying Horror
Heavy armour
Sword of swift slaying, Seed of rebirth, Enchanted Shield
Lv1 death
Cursed book
Core 600
20 ghouls inc ghast
35 skeletons inc fc banner +1M
5 wolves
10 wolves inc doom wolf
5 wolves
Special 453
6 crypt horrors inc haunter
3 vargheists inc vargoyle
2 fellbats
Spirit host
Rare 415
Mortis Engine, plus tomb
Comp score of 10.6
14 points left
14 points left